Breast Augmentation
Beautiful breasts with the perfect shape and texture.

Enjoy a new body and wear whatever you like to empower your femininity.
Whether you inherited small and/or asymmetric breasts or their size shrunk because you lost weight, this solution will help you get the breast you desire.
147 customers have used our services last week alone!
Correct your breast asymmetry
“Major breast asymmetry = feeling unproportioned and unattractive. Advice?”
It’s not rare to have asymmetric breasts and, sometimes, having different cup sizes and shapes could be annoying. Giuseppe Colombo, MD., Ph.D. will help you get the as symmetrical as possible and good-looking breasts you always wanted.

Recover the volume you lost due to weight loss
“ I exercised quite a bit and I became tired of my breasts disappearing as I became fit”
Exercising is a great habit with so many benefits. You should be proud of your gains. However, exercising will also shrink your breast as a result of losing weight. Breast augmentation can help you regain that breast volume and refine it to look as dashing as ever.
They were perfect during pregnancy?
“During pregnancy they were large, perky, perfect”.
After pregnancy your breasts look smaller, saggy and worn out looking. Breastfeeding isn’t easy and it’s normal to have them change and shrink a bit after your pregnancy. However, if you miss how they looked, breast augmentation is the answer.

Genetics are unfair…
We’re not born equal. Breast size is about 56% heritable. Not only size, but the shape and look are heavily influenced by genetics. While we can’t alter our genetics (yet), we can correct your breast defects and get you the look you desire.
Meet Giuseppe Colombo, MD, Ph.D
Giuseppe Colombo, MD, Ph.D. will help you to get the breasts you desire. Perfect size. Amazing Shape. The texture you want.
Book your consultation with Giuseppe Colombo,
MD, Ph.D., double board-certified plastic,
reconstructive and aesthetic surgeon
Common Questions About Breast Augmentation
Silicone is the material used in breast implants. Breast implants are available in a few shapes: round, teardrop and ergonomic. Teardrop implants are very natural looking while round implants tend to look a little less natural. The ergonomic shape is a mix between the two as it changes shape according to the body position.
After surgery your breasts could not have immediately the desired shape. Be patient, around the 3 months mark, the implants will take the correct shape.
Since you will be coming out of anesthesia, you will need someone to drive you home from the center and stay with you for 24 hours after the surgery. You could take a mild painkiller for the next 24 hours. You will wear compression garments for 6 weeks and you should avoid strenuous activity and exercise for the same length of time. During recovery, it is important to sleep on your back.
Pregnancy will change the size and shape of a woman’s breasts whether she has implants or not. These changes may adversely affect the cosmetic appearance of an augmented breast. It is usually recommended that pregnancy be postponed until 6 months after the surgery. Breastfeeding with implants is still possible and has been shown to be safe for the baby and the mother.
Women with sagging breasts, or “ptosis”, can also receive breast implants. Depending on how much the breast sags, additional surgery, called mastopexy, may also be necessary. This surgery will also add scars, depending on the various levels of ptosis. They can be all way around the nipple-areola or, in case of medium-bigger ptosis, around the nipple-areola plus comeing from nipple downwards to the inframammary fold. Without this additional surgery to remove excess skin, placement of the implant may not adequately correct the sagging.
The size of implants you choose depends on a number of factors, including your ultimate appearance goals and your individual frame. During your consultation, your plastic surgeon will work with you to identify what size of breast you desire from augmentation. By working with your surgeon and his clinical team, you can set obtainable and healthy expectations together.
Around 50% of women will have a transitory loss of sensation following breast augmentation surgery. Usually, this is solved in 6 months without any problems.
Patients should not perform any intense physical exercise for six weeks following the operation. Physical exercise including weight lifting, biking, jogging, and other forms of intense activities may cause implants to shift position or cause wound healing problems.
This depends on your job and its physical demands. Some general guidelines are: any kind of upper arm movements should be avoided for the first 1-2 weeks. Lifting anything heavier than 2 kilos should be avoided for 6 weeks after the operation.
The pain from breast augmentation surgery is usually in a moderate range and generally can be well controlled with medication.
This is a very frequently asked question by women who have never had breast implants, and they tend to worry quite a lot about where the incisions will be. The placement of incision for breast augmentation is personal and individual.
Most breast implants are placed through an incision around the nipple or underneath the breast according to the patient’s desire and anatomical condition.
Breast implants do not need to be replaced after 10 years or any other specific time period. Although the exact source of this statement is uncertain, this is a myth possibly related to the fact that some models of older implants carried warranties that lasted only 10 years.
The new implants and techniques permit to keep the same for the whole life, but it’s recommended to make controls every year in order to check their status.
Breast augmentations are extremely safe procedures with just 1% of patients experiencing complications. While they are rare, standard surgical risks intrinsic to any surgical procedure, including breast augmentation, are: reactions to anesthesia, bleeding, infection. Other risks which occur rarely include permanent loss of sensation in the nipples. Other complications include capsular contracture and rupture.
It is unlikely that you will experience long-term changes in physical functioning. Depending on the size of the implant, most women find no trouble performing most physical activities following the surgery. Weight lifting or lifting heavy objects will not affect the implant once the area has properly healed.
Women who have breast enhancement surgery can often breastfeed, but it is important to share your intentions prior to surgery. Your surgeon can take special precautions during surgery to maximize your chances of breastfeeding in the future. They might also discuss the possibility of delaying your breast surgery until after you have children, as pregnancy and nursing impart significant changes in the breasts for many women.
Patients can start driving two weeks after surgery.
There is no correlation with the implants on the market nowadays.
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